not pretentious; just esoteric.
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Kinetic at College Park Gallery

College Park Gallery is pleased to announce the first show of 2024 will be “KINETIC,” opening on January 27, 6 - 8 p.m.

A celebration of motion, action, and energy, we are looking for PHOTOGRAPHY that exemplifies these qualities. Join us for an evening viewing works that represent movement and activity in a still photograph.

On view and available to purchase at the gallery

G Sharp

With movement the invisible action such as drawing focus or directing attention through motion is created by zooming the lens while the shutter is open. A steady pace extended through the 2.5 seconds exposure gives the dramatic feeling of being pulled or sucked into something.

G# major is a theoretical key; it contains a double-sharp and therefore would normally be notated as Ab Minor as they are the same pitches in the same order. Sounds and music are kinetic mechanical energy.

This piece is from my series C# Minor which explores the concepts of consonance and dissonance within music theory. Long exposure and movement of the camera aims to capture how music can direct attention, pull focus, and the calming or jarring effect of sounds to the mind. While “Rachmaninoff” celebrates the composer’s use of suspended harmony, all the pieces are meant to reflect the concept of dissonance, its demand to be resolved to consonance within music theory and the perceived emotion from music. Consonant chords are sounds that are usually found to be pleasant and stable whereas, in contrast, dissonant chords tend to be clashing and generally evoke tension. Though the perception of dissonance is more subjective and context-related, it is widely believed to be jarring due to the complex frequency ratio expressed in a chord. Music notes are expressed as frequencies and intervals are the distance between two musical notes. A simple interval ratio produces more perfect mathematical ratios understood to be consonant. These concepts have been shown to affect mood and most people recognize dissonance as ‘sad’ or ‘wrong’ and consonant as ‘happy’ sounds.